Thursday, September 9, 2010

::Sweet Insight - Are We Not Who We Truly Are?::

Have you had some insightful motivation today?

Willow Smith impacted me today in a HUGE way. Not because of her new infectious single "Whip My Hair" (Which I am so in love with!).

She mentions in her interview with Ryan Seacrest the people are not themselves and therefore they are not happy. When we put on a facade to present to others that is not in alignment with who we really are, I believe that slowly we die a little bit inside.

How can we live and succeed at our own full potential if we're constantly emulating others or wearing masks? Why can't we be who we really are? What are we scared of?

Society has a mean way of making us deny ourselves because who we are originally isn't 'enough'. Who's to judge? Why is it always an impression contest? We all bleed the same blood and sleep laying down at night. If we even sleep at all. My guess is that if we're making ourselves out to be someone other than who we are, we aren't sleeping too good. Right?

In the interview, Willow states that she and her mother are very strong women and that she's been 'scheduled'(love how she said that) to always say how she feels and who she is always and confidently.

Love that little 9 year old.

She's so ahead of the game of life before she's had a chance to live it. I hope she keeps that level of maturity as her strong-hold of armour throughout her long awaiting life. And we should all take a tip and be who we're meant to be. And not a carbon copy to appease the fickle hearts and minds of others.


C. Renee

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