I was over at Wayne Howard's blog and came across his post that really hit home to my current situation.
He mentions how he recently graduated from the University of Central Florida with his bachelor's degree and entered the workforce head on. Then he realized that he was unhappy in his career 'situation'.
Mon frer happiness, how we pursue thee...
So he took an exit from the job force and continued on to pursue his MBA. He mentions that he's taking the steps to get re-introduced to his dreams.
A lot of the time, we get so caught up in the Fight of Life and all that it entails that we lose sight of our own dreams, goals, and unique purposes. I think that's what I have been going through myself. I was giving in to the stresses of this job that I LOATHE ||<<Grinch voice||
I had to re-align myself with my goals... The things that drive me to do better and be better. I had to learn ME again...
I feel like this is a re-post of my post that I posted a couple days ago... #SoWhat.. My mojo STILL so dope! heh heh heh
More often than not, that stress is the push we need to remind us of where we need to be headed: In the direction of our dreams. Don't let the hard times push you into a corner that you THINK you can't get yourself out of. Always remember that YOU WERE MADE FOR THIS! Your book of life was already written, complete with character entrances, exits, climax and ending. You still have many more chapters to go before you reach your own fairy tale ending.
Mazeltov, #LoveAndHugs
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