Wednesday, July 28, 2010

::Sweet Realization: Thoughts on Marriage (Guest Post)

I came across this post via and I must say that I agree... A lot of times people in relationships get so caught up in the 'idea' of marriage as the cure all, end all of problems in relationships... nope... no dice... We don't understand that we must first work on self and progress on our own before we can benefit together in a partnership successfully. I'm not saying this based on experiences (Never been married...Hopefully one day, though) But I have witnessed others and been in a serious relationship or two....

Check out Raekissa Webb(August Rae) and her point of view (click this post's title to visit original post)


My Thoughts
  I really want most people to know that marriage is not the end all be all to a relationship.  I think most people have this idea of what marriage is and that it will cure all relationship problems, but it WONT!
More often then not I see people in horrible relationships.  Horrible in the sense that it's toxic for them.  They no longer really like their partner; nor are they attracted to their partner.  Often times, within the relationship the argue DAY AND NIGHT. Some relationships may even turn abusive.  Then some bright idea light pops in to their head, "Marriage!" NOT!  I really wish people would sit down and think about what a union really means.
I mean, marriage doesn't solve cheating, lack of communication, lack of respect, abuse and any other problems one can think of that may combat your relationship. How is a ring and a receipt for your legally recognized union going to help?
I don't know what most people are thinking.  If your relationship has serious issues then so will your MARRIAGE! I just want people to think before walking down the isle with someone who's toxic to you.  I know it's hard for some to end a relationship that they may have invested so much in. For most, trying to invest that in someone new is just tiresome and unthinkable.  Then I would ask why spend the rest of your life trying to mend a broken mirror that is your relationship. It's your relationship not mine, but I just want people to think.
Before you can love anyone else you need to work on YOUR DAMN SELF! Read the previous sentence one more time.
So with that said there is no magical equation to relationships.  For me, communication and trust are the biggest factors in a relationship.  If you don't have those you are destined to fail.
I'm out,
K-I Double

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