Wednesday, March 10, 2010

::thrill of the chase::

What is it about the chase? Why is it human nature to turn away something that wants you more than you want in return? What is the complexity that is the chase? I can only speak on what I know personally and from friend/family-speak, but we always want what we can't or should not have. Or more so, what is hard to get.

Let's say, hypothetically, two people date; person A and person B. Person A begins to feel strongly for person B. But person B is apprehensive to feel the same because the feelings came too fast and too easy. So Person B begins to distance themselves just outta habit of being weary of ::insert relationship insecurities and doubts here::

Person A then feels rejected and blames self for going hard too soon and then in the next go round of Love's Possibility becomes Person B.

I never understood the chase. Still kinda don't. What makes us become the hunter in the African jungles going after unsuspecting prey? Or is the prey as unsuspecting as we think? More often than not, the prey knows when it's being hunted and therefore prepares itself for the chase.

::i feel like i'm all over the place, but bare with me... Let me get this right lol::

If the prey knows it's being hunted, and the hunter thinks that this is a fair chase, where's the thrill? 'Tis not a fair game, is it?

Back to my main point, I guess. Why can't we accept love or "like" when it first presents itself in rare and sincere form? Why is it that we instantly become gate guarded emotionally? I think, it's because we know we're being preyed upon.

Who likes to be hunted, anyway...


  1. Very deep and very true. I've been person A & B, its just something about chasing that feels good. But it also feels good to know someone is chasing you.

  2. This is very true. The hunter in turn becomes the chasee...hypothetically speaking all of the traps/nice gestures set began to fall for those same traps/nice gestures...meaning person A goes around in circles and starts to be in a one person race with themselves...thinking everything done was to no avail, a waste of time, off the subject, it just goes to show everyone has one just chases for the thrill, they chase for the reward, or potential reward.
