Monday, June 21, 2010

::Sweet Introspective - Matters of the Heart; Lost in Soul's Translation::

I really feel some type of way when people try to impose themselves on my emotions or on my heart...

Matters of the heart are not things to be tampered with or taken for granted. I feel that sometimes, I come into contact with certain people who I quickly become attached to or they become attached to me, we build a friendship and then things turn into something that was totally unexpected.

I recently experienced a matter of the heart where I met someone and become close to this person. Shared things with this person and formed a "Sister-ship"... Now there's nothing. Like the "sister-ship" never existed. For what reasons this happened, I am unsure... I can only guess from hear-say...

How does one leave things unsaid and unsettled? Is it that easy to walk away from an attachment of the soul that had bonded so close? For some, I suppose it is...

On the other hand, I experienced a different situation where two hearts where are two separate places. One heart on one path and the other on a totally different course. How is it that two hearts can coexist on the course to a successful friendship/relationship not knowing the other's planned destination... Or ulterior motive destination.

(This is my feeble attempt to be general without saying too much at the least. I hope you all understand where I'm going here :-/ )

Personally, due to past circumstance, I am guarded with my emotions and I'm not able to easily let newcomers in... I know this is bad. I know this... And I'm working on it. But how can I progress in this matter if from every which way I have someone making an imposition on my heart without aforementioned disclaimer? Why is it so hard for us as humans to just "be" emotionally? Is it because of all the missed signals and misappropriated interpretations?

A lot of the times, when it comes to our hearts, we see and feel what we want to and become victims to self induced heartbreak.

"As the days go by
I keep wondering why
You are so persistent
While I'm in resistance
It just keeps getting harder
When you force me to push you away..."

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